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layout: post title: Introspect date: 2017-10-23 —


On friday we were given a task on code katas and it was not difficult. The first one we were suppose to find the last element of a list, and it was easy and i didn’t spend much time on it.

The second one i didn’t spend much time on it, we were suppose to correct the code so that the greet function returns the expected value. What supprised me is that my function was returning all true instead of returning 2false and 1true because of the if statement, like i spent much time onit trying to see what went wrong. And the last one was also challenging, we were suppose to return true if it contains any duplicate argument values and i also spent much time on it because of the if statement.

I could improve by spending time looking at the problem until i understand, and think on how am i going to solve it ,also write down the steps and if anything doesn’t work i should stop and think or ask. I should not wait for my mentors to give some tasks, i do have an internet i should google javascript assignment and practice if i stuck i should ask for help.

I thank my Mentors mandla and Theo for their support,they do their best so that we can become professional software developers. They want the best for the coding ground students and i really appreciate the love they have lavished on us.