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layout: post title: Local Weather Api date: 2017-10-30 —

Local Weather Api:

Allow you to acess current weather condition and reliable forecast before you make plan because weather can change anytime. Local Weather Api returns weather elements such as temperature, precipitation,presure etc.

User stories:

1.As a user, I can se weather in my current location.

2.As a user, I can see different icon or background image.

3.As a user, I can push a button to goggle between Fahrenheit and Celcius.


1.Do no,t look at the example Project’s code. Figure it out for yourself.

2.Use whichever libraries or Apis you need.

3.Give it to your personal style.

my understanding:

I should have a button for Fahrenheit and Celcius and for location so that the users can check weather where ever they are. Also, I should have background images for weather. It is important to follow instructions to know what you are doing and i used api to specify how weather show interact. It shoud allow users the weather for today to see if it is going to be hot ,cold etc.

on this project i could improve on building weather api because this days like almost everyday people check before they make plan because weather can change anytime.