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layout: post title: Translating the provided string to pig latin date: 2017-11-06 —

Translating the provided string to pig latin.

This was challenging because i spent much on it trying to understand the problem and trying to think like how am i going to solve it so that it returns accurate results.


Create a function that wil translate pig latin, If words is consonant move it to the end of the word and suffixes an “ay”. also, If a word begins with a vowel you just add “way” to the end.

My Approach

In a given function i decided to have two variables for vowels and consonant so that i will be able compare them. I used str.match(vowels) to test whether my function will execute good results but it was returning inaccurate results. So i decided to change my test statement like instead of str.match(vowels) i used vowels.includes(str) to check whether an array includes a certain elements and if yes should return str by adding vocalic syllable, and i used cosonant.includes(str) to check whether an array includes a certain consonant_cluster if yes should return str.substr(2) to remove a the character and return new string and i added str.substring(0,2) to cut the first word and put it to the end of word adding vocalic syllable. It was working and returning an accurate results.

Problem started:

When i consoled consonant_cluster it was suppose to slice the first and the second word and add the first word at the end of word but it sliced the first word only.

I decided to understand the problem and and think on how am i going to to solve it and i breaked it into pieces, and when something was not working as thought, I stoped and think on another solution.