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layout: post title: Pomodoro Clock date: 2018-01-25 —

Building a Pomodoro clock

Last I did not finish this project, I was asked to build a Pomodoro clock that will allow the user to start a 25-minute Pomodoro, and the timer will go off once 25 minutes has elapsed, reset the clock for my next Pomodoro and customize the length of each Pomodoro.

My Approach

Now want to continue with my javascript because am done with html what remains is to carry on with my javascript. Last time on my javascript i created check status function, show time function and now i added start timer.

I have a starter timer when the user press start button the it will start counting from the 25 downward until the braeak point which is 5, then it will stop there. I also managed to do start time function and start function and i struggled to to do those things but went though internet and google some usefull stuff that will help me to finish my project.